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National Energy Holding purchases not only local coal for HPP

Deputies are dissatisfied with the fact that the National Energy Holding purchases not only local coal for Bishkek HPP. Azamat Arapbaev said this today at a meeting of the parliamentary committee on economic and fiscal policy.

Today at the meeting the deputies considered the issue of coal supply to the Bishkek HPP for the forthcoming heating season. The head of the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use Ulan Ryskulov said that only one million tons of coal is purchased for the season, including 500,000 tons from the Kavak basin, 50,000 tons — Tash-Kumyr and 450,000 tons of imported coal of D type.

Today, contracts have been concluded with «Rassvet Company» for the delivery of 450,000 tons of coal of D type for 3,590 soms per ton, with «Tegen» LLC — for the supply of 50,000 tons of coal from Tash-Kumyr deposit for 2,850 soms for a ton and with a consortium of enterprises of Kyrgyzstan with the state enterprise «Kyrgyzkomur» — for supply of fuel from the Kavak basin for 3,050 soms per ton.

Deputy Azamat Arapbaev noted that as early as in 2011, the deputies passed a resolution according to which only local coal should be purchased for the Bishkek HPP. However, it is not fulfilled.

«By purchasing Kazakh coal, you increase the country’s public debt. It’s a shame that such large sums are not directed for support of the economy of Kyrgyzstan. We were promised that after the modernization of the Bishkek HPP plant it will work only using domestic coal. But now the imported one is being bought again,» deputy Azamat Arapbaev was indignant.
