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Vladimir Putin: Almazbek Atambayev is a man who stands by his word

«Almazbek Atambayev is a man who stands by his word,» President of Russia Vladimir Putin said in an interview with a Kyrgyz journalist.

The head of the Russian Federation said that he had met the president of Kyrgyzstan «a long time ago», when he was chairman of the Russian government in 2011. «The President of Kyrgyzstan is a bright man, he writes poems. He is emotional person. This is something that does not immediately appeal to him. He is a man who stands by his word,» said Vladimir Putin.

It is sometimes difficult to agree on something with him, but if something has been agreed upon, he goes to the end in the fulfillment of the agreements reached. What I also try to do for my part.

Vladimir Putin

Answering the question whether Vladimir Putin would go into reconnaissance with Atambayev, he replied: «I no longer work in intelligence. But we are doing not less important thing with him — public work. In my opinion, we are doing it very well.»

Syyagul Karaman, the author of a series of programs of Vzglyad production studio, had the interview with the President of Russia.
