USD 87.45
EUR 90.93
RUB 0.90

Budget receives 10.3 billion soms from securities issue

For eight months, Kyrgyzstan’s budget received 10.3 billion soms from the release of securities, the Ministry of Finance reported.

As noted, the most profitable are government treasury bonds (T-bills). 6.92,899 million soms were earned from their sale. Placement of two-year T-bills also brought to the budget 2, 209.97 billion, three-year — 1, 490.08 billion, five-year — 1,447.83 billion, seven-year — 1, 781.11 billion soms.

Due to the placement of state treasury bills, the budget received 3, 409.04 billion soms.

Note, treasury bills and bonds are debt obligations and increase the country’s domestic debt. As of July 31, it amounted to $ 388,080 million.
