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Kyrgyzstan takes democratic path in respect of Russian language

None of the countries in Central Asia, except for Kyrgyzstan, has taken the democratic path in respect of the Russian language. The head of the National Commission on the State Language Nazarkul Ishekeev stated today at the session of the Parliament.

According to him, in Kazakhstan, the issue was decided in totalitarian way, in Uzbekistan, this question did not arise at all. Kyrgyzstan has taken the democratic path.

The deputies asked if Kyrgyzstan was going to switch to the Latin alphabet, like Kazakhstan. Nazarkul Ishekeev noted that this is a costly process and so far this possibility has not been considered.

Earlier, President Almazbek Atambayev said that he did not support the idea of ​​changing the Kyrgyz alphabet into the Latin one.

«When someone says that we need to switch to the Latin alphabet or other things: for that matter, we should not abandon what we have. And if we switch to somewhat, we had our own writing. We had runic writing — bitik, the most suitable in Kyrgyz, but we need to quietly preserve the Cyrillic alphabet,» the president of the country said.
