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Almazbek Atambayev offered to withdraw lawsuits against media

Speaker of the legendary parliament of Kyrgyzstan Medetkan Sherimkulov at the second forum of freedom of speech appealed to President Almazbek Atambayev with a proposal to withdraw millions of lawsuits against the media.

«Recently Almazbek Atambayev more often says that his presidential term is coming to an end. I personally would like to see off Almazbek Sarshenovich with the honors that he deserves. My advice to him would be this: when the powers of the American presidents end and before leaving the White House, they sign a large list of pardons,» Medetkan Sherimkulov said.

According to him, no law can cancel the presidential pardon.

«Almazbek Sarshenovich can remain in history as a kind person, a man who doesn’t hold evil and thinks about stability in the state. And for this it is necessary to sign such a decree. This will be a good example,» the former speaker said.
