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Almazbek Atambayev: Price of gas in Kyrgyzstan to decrease

«The price of gas will only decrease,» Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev said yesterday at the ceremony of laying the capsule in the foundation of the school that Gazprom Kyrgyzstan is planning to build in the southern part of Bishkek.

According to the head of state, at the time of the transfer of Kyrgyzgaz to the Russian company, the country bought gas from Uzbekistan at a price of $ 250 to $ 280 per thousand cubic meters, and now it is $ 150.

Now the government of Kyrgyzstan, its leaders doesn’t spend the night in anticipation of a new year in a neighboring country, in neighboring governments, they don’t beg for gas, they don’t give up disputed territories.

Almazbek Atambayev

He noted that the decision to give the gas industry to the Russian company was one of the components of the whole package of measures to achieve energy independence.

«There were a lot of investors, including from Russia, but I don’t remember such a reliable, decent, like Gazprom, run by Aleksey Miller,» the president said.
