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34 companies interested in construction of CASA-1000 project

34 companies from 16 countries interested in construction of CASA-1000 project. 24.kg news agency was informed about this by the press service of «National Electric Network of Kyrgyzstan» JSC.

According to it, the tender documentation was requested by companies from India, China, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Belgium, Kyrgyzstan and other countries.

According to the energy company, the secretariat of the CASA-1000 project (Almaty, Kazakhstan) on July 22, 2017 announced an international tender within the framework of the project for the supply and installation of power transmission lines and the expansion of respective cells in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Bid applications are accepted until September 22, 2017, and a preliminary meeting will be held in Bishkek on August 28, where explanations will be provided to all interested parties regarding the scope of work, research and other important issues in the construction of the power line.

Information of National Electric Network OJSC. CASA-1000 project (Central Asia-South Asia 1000 Megawatts) involves the construction of a high-voltage transmission line linking the energy systems of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan with Afghanistan and Pakistan for the export of electricity by the Central Asian countries.

The total cost of the project is more than $ 1 billion, Kyrgyzstan will spend $ 233 million, Tajikistan — $ 270 million, Afghanistan — $ 300 million and Pakistan — $ 200 million.
