Kyrgyzstani Ayperi Medet kyzy becomes world champion in wrestling

10:14, 05 августа 2017, Bishkek - news agency , Ivan MARCHENKO


Kyrgyzstani Ayperi Medet kyzy became the world champion among young people in women’s wrestling. United World Wrestling reported.

According to it, the World Championship continues in  city (), where four sets of awards among the girls were played on August 4. There were no Kyrgyzstanis in the weight categories of 48 and . In  category, Nazira Marsbek kyzy defeated representative of  in the first round, and in the 1/8 finals she did not cope with the Indian wrestler and took the 12th place.

Ayperi Medet kyzy competed in  category. In the 1/8 finals, she defeated Denise Sabina Makoto Strem (), in the quarter finals she was stronger than Helena Pjollaj (). In the struggle for reaching the final, Kyrgyzstani confidently defeated Kristina Shumova (). In the battle for gold, our athlete, as in the finals of the 2016 World Cup, met with Japanese Yasuho Matsuyuki and this time was stronger, taking revenge.

Competition in women’s wrestling within the World Cup ended. has two medals. Previously, Meerim Zhumanazarova won bronze in the weight of 67 kg.