USD 87.45
EUR 90.64
RUB 0.90

Budget revenues amount to 64.2 billion soms for 6 months in Kyrgyzstan

For six months, the budget revenues amounted to 64.2 billion soms and increased compared to last year by 8,694.9 billion soms. The Ministry of Finance of Kyrgyzstan presented such data.

At the same time, tax revenues formed in the amount of 41,328.7 billion soms, which is 4.5 billion soms more than in 2016. It should be noted that the taxes account for the main share in the structure of incomes- 78.9 percent.

10,748.3 billion soms of non-tax revenues were transferred to the budget. This is 23.3 percent more than planned, but 3.2 billion less than in 2016.

Contributions and deductions for social needs — 1,357.3 billion soms, official transfers — 2,237.5 billion soms are among other sources of income.

«Assets and liabilities amounted to 8,582.2 billion soms. Enterprises and organizations returned debts on previously issued loans and credits in amount of 785 million soms. 7,796.7 billion soms were received from the sale of state treasury bills," the Ministry of Finance commented.
