USD 87.45
EUR 89.73
RUB 0.86

Translation of contract on Customs Code of EEU to cost 350,000 soms

The translation of the text of the agreement on the Customs Code of EEU from Russian into Kyrgyz will cost 350,000 soms. Public procurement portal reported.

It’s necessary to translate the contract text in 45 days from the date of its signing. The document consists of 841 pages and has 208,534 words.

On April 11, the signing of the agreement on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) was completed. The countries of the union proceeded to the domestic procedures preceding the ratification of the document. The new Customs Code will come into force after the Eurasian Economic Commission receives notification of ratification from all five participating countries.

The Customs Code is one of the main documents of the regulatory and legal base of the EEU. The agreement states that customs regulation is carried out in accordance with the Customs Code of the EEU. It will replace the current Customs Code of the Customs Union and international agreements on customs regulation.
