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Kyrgyzstan has one more candidate for presidency

One more candidate for presidency appeared in Kyrgyzstan. The desire to participate in the race was announced by the scandalous economist Kuban Choroyev. The Central Commission for Elections and Referenda informed 24.kg news agency.

It should be noted that this is already the 18th presidential candidate. Kuban Choroyev is going to run for the main post of the country by self-nomination. He is known to the general public as an ardent critic of the National Bank’s actions.

Kuban Choroyev organized the People’s Movement to protect the rights of borrowers. This movement required an amnesty for all loans received by citizens in banks. They even held a rally at the US Embassy. Their claims were formulated in the form of a manifesto.

The key points of the document are the transition of the National Bank of the country to the regime of «currency council», which presumes the introduction of a fixed exchange rate of som to US dollar, conversion of gold reserves into the national currency and credit amnesty. In the opinion of the initiators, the state should buy out problem loans of the population from the commercial banks.

The presidential election will be held on October 15. Reception of applications will last until August 15.
