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Court upholds one more claim of Prosecutor General's Office to Naryn Aiyp

Today, the judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Bishkek, Albina Jeenbekova, fully upheld the claim of the Prosecutor General’s Office against journalist Naryn Aiyp.

The court considered the claims of the Prosecutor General to the articles of Naryn Aiyp, published in March 2017.

One of them was about how the Parliament discussed the arrest of leader of Ata Meken party Omurbek Tekebayev, another — is information about authoritarian leaders of different countries, where the name of the President of Kyrgyzstan was not mentioned. Under this suit, the Prosecutor General demands 6 million soms — 3 million from the author of the article and three — from Zanoza.kg website.

The prosecution brought as evidence the study of a specialist of the State Center for Forensic Expertise under the Ministry of Justice. Representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office believe that journalist Naryn Aiyp distributed information defaming the honor and dignity of the president of Kyrgyzstan.

«Despite the fact that the author does not mention a name, we believe that the person can be clearly identified from the context. The circumstances make it possible in court to prove who is being unequivocally referred to, that is, to consider that discrediting information has been disseminated against this person," representative of the state prosecution Ruslan Abdyrakhmanov told.

Referring to the study of the linguist, the prosecution insists that the tone of the article was negative and comparing Kyrgyzstan with other countries, the author draw parallels, in particular with «bantustan», thereby causing moral sufferings to the President of the country.

The court did not consider the arguments of the lawyers of the journalist. Judge Albina Jeenbekova ruled in favor of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Earlier, the judges of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Bishkek also satisfied two more lawsuits filed by the Prosecutor General’s Office to Zanoza.kg and ex-MP Cholpon Dzhakupova.
