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Two policemen get prison term for torturing teenagers

Bazar-Korgon District Court sentenced police officers Asanbay uulu Nurdin and Sheraly Ermekov to 11 and 10 years in prison respectively. The verdict of higher courts was upheld.

The former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been sent to serve their sentences in the penal colony with reinforced regime.

The Prosecutor General’s Office told that on December 7, 2013, police officers tortured minors Mamytbek Uulu Ulanbek and Onorbek Shamshidinov with the purpose of receiving confessionary statements on the theft. They beat them up, threatened them. The court found them guilty.

The Prosecutor General’s Office, investigating criminal cases on torture, also said that the Oktyabrsky District Court of Bishkek in March sentenced four employees of the State Penitentiary System to seven years in prison for torture. They detained attackers of the Deputy Chief of the penal colony 47 in 2013 and, in order to get confessions out of them, tortured the detainees.
