USD 87.45
EUR 91.77
RUB 0.88

Ethnic Kyrgyz to be provided with 75 grant places in universities

Ethnic Kyrgyz living abroad will be provided with 75 grant places in higher educational institutions of the republic.

The list of professions and the number of state educational grants for 2017/2018 academic year was submitted for public discussion on the government website.

In total, the state allocates 5, 705 budget- funded places, including 140 — for fulfillment of obligations under international agreements, 100 — for persons with disabilities and orphans, 40 — for children of those killed in Aksy events of 2002, in the April, May and June events of 2010, and for persons with returnee status.

Other 50 grants were allocated for non-competitive enrollment of applicants who received the highest scores at the Nationwide Testing.

The largest number of budget- funded places (4, 914) is allocated to the Ministry of Education and Science, 330 more — to the Ministry of Health, 236 — to the Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism, 125 — to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and 100 — to the State Committee for Defense Affairs.
