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Petroleum price difference between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan explained

The representative of the State Antimonopoly Regulation Agency, answering questions from MPs, voiced the reason of low prices for petroleum products in Kazakhstan.

«People carry fuel in canisters. For example, the fuel price in neighboring Kazakhstan is lower. It is necessary to reduce the price of petroleum products in order to avoid the importation of contraband," the deputy of Kyrgyzstan faction Taalaibek Masabirov suggested.

Representative of Antimonopoly Agency said: «There is real 10 soms difference in price for petroleum products between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, and the reason for it — the tax rate. It is lower in Kazakhstan, as well as the excise tax rate. But the neighboring country has its own factories, which supply Kazakhstan with fuel by 70 percent, and only 30 percent is imported from abroad.»
