Chon-Alai Nature Park to appear in south of Kyrgyzstan

10:00, 18 января 2025, Bishkek - news agency , Anastasia BENGARD

The draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan «On the establishment of Chon-Alai State Nature Park in Osh region» was submitted for public discussion.

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision, this is being done to preserve unique natural complexes and biological diversity, protect rare and endangered species of flora and fauna of the Pamir-Alai, as well as expand the network of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of the republic.

The area of ​​the planned Chon-Alai Park will be almost 67,000 hectares.

«The territory of the planned park meets the requirements for such SPNA. Three areas on the southern macroslope of the Alai Range and two on the northern slope of the western part of the Trans-Alai Range, including a fragment of Kyzyl-Suu-Zapadnaya River valley, are the territory where populations of endemic species of flora and fauna have been preserved. Back in 2004, it was planned to create a transboundary natural area there — the Pamir-Alai State Nature Park,» the background statement says.

The Ministry of Natural Resources believes that the creation of the Chon-Alai State Nature Park will help preserve the species/subspecies of animals and plants listed in the Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic and the International Union for Conservation of Nature. They include the snow leopard, brown bear, Central Asian otter, Turkestan lynx, golden eagle, bearded vulture, black vulture, kumai, Alay pit viper, Turkestan catfish, Colias christophi, Romanov’s parnassian, Alajja anomala, and Pulsatílla kostyczéwii.

Adoption of the draft resolution requires additional funding from the republican budget for the maintenance of staff and the functioning of the new park. The amount is not specified.