The Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan submitted a draft law to the Parliament for consideration to stimulate the development of the stock market and its digital infrastructure.
The draft law proposes:
- Functioning of a modern and international standards-oriented National Securities Depository in the financial market of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Simplification of the procedure for business entities to enter the stock market;
- Stimulation of securities trading and increase in the volume of exchange trading in stock market instruments;
- Introduction of tools to ensure financial stability, improvement of the level and culture of corporate governance of the securities market participants, formation of a system of personnel training in the field of corporate finance;
- Introduction of the activities of investment consultants;
- Creation of favorable conditions for the inflow of investments into the economy, including foreign ones, and increasing the level of savings of the country’s population;
- Protection from unfair competition between professional participants of the EAEU member states under the conditions of providing free access to national markets;
- Correction of inaccuracies and gaps in the legislation in the field of the securities market.
The draft law was adopted by the parliamentary committee in the first reading.