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Kyrgyz officials to be able to study in Japan: President ratifies exchange notes

The President of Kyrgyzstan signed the Law «On the ratification of exchange notes between the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan and the Government of Japan on the project «Scholarship Program for Human Resources Development» and the grant agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on the project «Scholarship Program for Human Resources Development», signed on August 1, 2024 in Bishkek.

The grant agreement provides for the opportunity for state and municipal employees of the republic to undergo two-year training in English at leading universities in Japan with the subsequent right to obtain a master’s and doctoral degree.

The project «Scholarship Program for Human Resources Development» provides for the training of 19 employees in master’s programs for the 2025-2027 academic years and one employee in a doctoral program for the 2025-2028 academic years.

The Japanese government is providing the Cabinet with a grant of 342 million yen.
