National Bank of Kyrgyzstan conducts another foreign exchange intervention

12:57, 25 октября 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan conducted another foreign exchange intervention on October 25. The bank’s website says.

A total of $35.1 million was sold, of which $28.5 million was sold with settlements on the day of the transaction, and $26.6 million — with settlements on another date.

The previous intervention took place on October 8, when the National Bank sold $54.5 million on the market.

The National Bank has conducted 20 foreign exchange interventions since the beginning of 2024: 14 currency purchase transactions, as a result of which $369.35 million was withdrawn from the market, and 6 sales transactions for a total of $204.45 million.