Sadyr Japarov: Kyrgyzstan is pursuing a multi-vector foreign policy

14:06, 16 октября 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Gulmira MAKANBAI KYZY

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov commented on his statements about the West in an interview with Kabar news agency. According to him, Kyrgyzstan pursues a multi-vector foreign policy.

Recall, the head of state stated that the West should not tell Russia’s partners what to do. He believes that European countries «say one thing and do another.» The head of state is convinced that the West should not tell Bishkek whether to cooperate with Moscow.

Sadyr Japarov noted that at the forum in Ashgabat Russian journalists unexpectedly asked him a question.

«I was not prepared, but I tried to answer clearly. I will try to give an even more complete answer. Since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, Western countries continue to condemn the Russian Federation. Of course, there are those, who ask us not to cooperate with it. However, I always openly answer them: «We cannot refuse to cooperate with the Russian Federation. Our trade turnover exceeds $4 billion. We buy oil, gas, wheat and other food products from it. We have no access to the sea. Our roads and railways to the world pass through Russia. There are about a million of our migrants in this country. How can we not cooperate with the Russian Federation? In addition, some EU countries, despite the sanctions, continue to work with Russia. Their trade turnover reaches $6 billion a year. When you need it, you calmly cooperate with the Russian Federation, and you tell us — do not cooperate. This is an unfair demand. I answer directly in this way,» he said.

The President noted that since his coming to power, the Kyrgyz Republic has been pursuing a multi-vector foreign policy.

«We cooperate equally and on equal terms with various countries of the world. Moreover, we recently signed a cooperation agreement with the European Union. Trade turnover with some CIS countries has increased sevenfold over the past four years. We depend on each other on some issues, so it is impossible to refuse to cooperate with them,» he emphasized.

He noted that as a UN member, Kyrgyzstan does not work with sanctioned goods.

«Therefore, no claims can be made against us on this issue. There are no suspicions and there cannot be any. This is, apparently, just hatred towards Russia,» Sadyr Japarov added.