Kairagach border outpost opened in Leilek district

11:24, 14 октября 2024, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency

A new Kairagach border outpost was opened in Leilek district of Batken region. The opening ceremony took place on October 12 with the participation of the Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) Kamchybek Tashiev.

Construction of the outpost began in 2012, but was completed only after Kamchybek Tashiev took the project under his personal control.

Today, the outpost meets all modern requirements, conditions have been created for the service of border guards: there is a bathhouse, a sports complex and recreation areas.

The SCNS head personally familiarized himself with the conditions of service of the border guards.

He also appealed to the border guards with a call to strictly observe their duties and the law: «The state and the president pay great attention to you, create the necessary conditions. In response, you must strictly fulfill your duties. I know that there are those among you, who break the law. If this is not corrected as soon as possible, I will take strict measures. There should be no questions about the protection of the state border, peace and security of the country.»