Schoolboy in Lexus rammed kindergarten fence in Bishkek, girl killed

11:26, 05 октября 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Nuris ALYMBAEV

An 11th-grade student in an SUV rammed a kindergarten fence in Bishkek. A girl got under the wheels of the car. An eyewitness sent the video to news agency.

The footage shows that the SUV rammed a brick fence, drove into a yard and crashed into another fence. The girl’s covered body lies on the playground. She was playing there.

The press service of the Department of the Patrol Police Service told news agency that the accident occurred on October 4 at about 6.30 p.m. in Archa-Beshik housing estate. The Lexus 470 SUV was driving along Er-Taylak Street. The driver lost control of the vehicle, the car went off the road, rammed the fence of a private kindergarten. A girl got under the wheels of the car. She died at the scene.

Ambulance immediately arrived at the scene. The driver turned out to be an 11th grade schoolboy, who took his father’s car without permission.