Local elections: Ballot papers to be printed at polling stations

14:46, 04 октября 2024, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Maria ORLOVA

Ballot papers for the local elections will not be printed centrally by Uchkun state printing house, as it was before. The member of the Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan Uzarbek Zhylkybaev confirmed the information to 24.kg news agency.

According to him, ballots will be printed at polling stations.

«We purchase special printers. And when the voter goes through the biometric identification process, the printer will print the ballot,» he said.

Uzarbek Zhylkybaev noted that there is no reason to worry about the possible printing or stuffing of extra ballots.

«If there is stuffing, the automatically reading ballot box will not accept them. Secondly, if the number of ballots in the ballot box exceeds the number of voters by at least one, the results will be annulled. It is also impossible to print extra ones, since the printer is integrated with the device where the biometric identification is carried out,» he said.

The presidential decree «On the dissolution of local councils and calling the elections of deputies of local councils» was issued on September 6. At least 484 local councils are subject to dissolution. Elections of deputies of 249 local councils (list is at the link) are scheduled for November 17.