Russia to triple spending on promotion of Russian language abroad

17:20, 03 октября 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

Russia will triple spending on promotion of the Russian language abroad in 2025. The explanatory note to the draft law «On the federal budget for 2025 and the planning period of 2026 and 2027» says.

It is noted that 1.7 billion rubles is allocated in the draft state budget for these purposes. This is 1.197 billion rubles more than in 2024.

Most of the funds will be used to support Russkiy Mir Foundation, as well as to hold cultural and educational events and develop Okno v Rossiyu multimedia portal.

In 2026, Russia plans to allocate 1.8 billion rubles for projects to promote the Russian language abroad, and 2 billion rubles — in 2027.