Industrial companies in Kyrgyzstan to be obliged to insure employees

14:53, 02 октября 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Gulmira MAKANBAI KYZY

Deputies of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan approved the bill in the third reading, which obliges industrial companies to insure their employees.

The document has been sent to the president for signing.

During the discussion, some MPs asked the Speaker to return the bill to the second reading mode, since, in their opinion, its adoption will become an additional burden for citizens and entrepreneurs.

«Insurance has become a business. When a car is sold, both the buyer and the seller get insurance certificates. The seller receives five-day insurance for five minutes. It is unclear why. The Ministry of Economy should stop this. Why should they torment the people? We are considering the bill on life and health insurance in the performance of work duties. If this affects all companies, then this is an additional tax. Therefore, I propose returning it to the second reading. Let’s consider the expenses in detail. Otherwise, we introduce a new tax and it will not go to the budget, but to private companies,» MP Dastan Bekeshev said.

His colleague Ulan Primov supported him. But the deputies opposed their proposal and adopted the bill.

A more detailed description of hazardous production facilities that will be required to insure their employees is contained in the full version of the bill.

If an organization operating hazardous production facilities does not insure its employees, it is proposed to fine it up to 13,000 soms.