Kyrgyzstan plans to lift ban on egg imports

12:28, 26 августа 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Maria ORLOVA

The Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry has proposed lifting the temporary ban on the import of chicken eggs into Kyrgyzstan. The ministry has submitted the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers for public discussion.

The background statement notes that the draft document was developed based on an appeal from the Poultry Farmers Association of the Kyrgyz Republic and in connection with the increase in the production of chicken eggs by domestic enterprises.

According to the ministry, the situation with the production of chicken eggs by domestic producers has improved significantly. The Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry recalled that poultry enterprises have suffered financial losses since February. After the ban on the import of eggs was imposed, domestic producers were able to stabilize the situation and restore production. As a result, they declare their readiness to compete with imported products both in volume and in price.