Growth in cargo transportation registered in Kyrgyzstan

10:43, 20 августа 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

Growth in cargo transportation was registered in Kyrgyzstan. Telegram channel «Telling about the EAEU» provided such data, citing statistics.

Cargo and passenger transportation continued to grow in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the statement says.

In the first half of 2024 (compared to the same period of the previous year), there was an increase in both the total passenger turnover in the EAEU (by 8.9 percent) and a number of national indicators: in Kazakhstan — by 12.9 percent, Belarus — by 9 percent, Russia — by 8.6 percent and Kyrgyzstan — by 5.1 percent.

At the same time, in the reporting period, the total indicator of cargo transportation in the union remained at the same level, while a growth was registered in Kyrgyzstan (6.3 percent), Belarus (3.4 percent) and Russia (0.2 percent).