International bus routes to Kyrgyzstan cancelled in Omsk

11:07, 15 августа 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

International bus routes to Kyrgyzstan have been cancelled in Omsk.

Omskoblavtotrans reported that due to decreased demand, bus service to the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, will be suspended from August 31. It is specified that the carriers are A. Titov private enterpreneur and Trans-Soyuz-Asia OJSC. The bus departing at 8 p.m. on the last day of summer will no longer go. This is due to the seasonal decrease in passenger traffic to Bishkek.

It should be noted that buses to Bishkek have been running since April 29 and only operated in the summer. The journey to the capital of the republic takes almost 37 hours.