Electricity rate to be increased for non-domestic consumers in Kyrgyzstan

11:14, 14 августа 2024, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Maria ORLOVA

The Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan has proposed increasing the cost of electricity for «other non-domestic consumers» group. The ministry has submitted the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers for public discussion.

The background statement notes that the Cabinet of Ministers’ resolution of September 30, 2021 approved the Medium-Term Tariff Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic for Electricity for 2021-2025.

It provides for the establishment of tariffs for all consumer groups until 2025 with annual adjustments to the inflation rate.

The ministry added that in order to cover the electricity deficit in 2022, at least 2,586.7 billion kilowatt-hours were imported from neighboring countries, in 2023 — 2,760 billion, and 3,900 billion kilowatt-hours are planned to be imported from other countries this year.

«According to the analysis of the planned technical and economic indicators of the energy system for 2024, the total income of electric power companies will amount to 32.5 billion soms, and expenses — 40.6 billion. At the same time, the deficit of funds in the energy system is expected to be at the level of 8.1 billion soms,» the document says.

The ministry proposes to set the tariff for electricity for «Other consumers» group at the level of the «Budget consumers» group — 3.3767 soms per 1 kilowatt-hour (excluding taxes).

According to the Ministry of Energy, there were 89,767 non-domestic consumers in the republic last year with consumption of 1.6 billion kilowatt-hours. With the introduction of new tariffs, the additional income of energy companies from the sale of electricity to these consumers will amount to 0.9 billion soms.