Sale of stolen in Kazakhstan transformers prevented

15:28, 13 августа 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

Transformers stolen in Kazakhstan worth millions of tenge were attempted to be sold to Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan posted on Telegram.

It is known that Aktobe police detained suspects in the theft of transformers worth more than 15 million tenge. The property was found on the border with Kyrgyzstan.

Police officers detained two residents of Akmola region, who are suspected of stealing nine power transformers from construction sites.

«Thus, the suspects stole transformers from construction sites using a manipulator. Then they transported the stolen goods to Karaganda, where they sold them to citizens of the neighboring country. The officers stopped the truck loaded with nine transformers on the border with the Kyrgyz Republic,» the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

A pre-trial investigation is underway. Two suspects have been placed in a temporary detention facility.

According to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, punishment for theft on an especially large scale is imprisonment for 5-10 years with confiscation of property.