Russia ratifies protocol on regulating e-commerce in EAEU

13:38, 09 августа 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

Russia has ratified the protocol on amendments to the Treaty on the Customs Code of the EAEU, which regulates e-commerce. The corresponding document was posted on the portal of official publication of legal acts.

The document was signed on December 25, 2023 in St. Petersburg by the heads of state of the EAEU.

According to the protocol, a new institution will be established within the Union — an e-commerce operator that combines the functions of a logistics center and a customs representative, and a new type of customs declaration will be introduced for e-commerce goods.

The protocol also singles out goods purchased within the framework of foreign e-commerce in a separate category and determines the specifics of regulating such trade.

Such goods can be declared by an individual — the recipient of the goods or the e-commerce operator. Moreover, the operator will be responsible for inaccurate customs declaration, as well as pay customs duties and taxes on these goods, if they are provided for by national legislation. One of the key functions of the operator is to support goods purchased on the international online marketplace, including providing logistics.