Parliament approves opening of another checkpoint on border with China

17:37, 26 июня 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Nargiza TOKOEVA

The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan approved in three readings a bill on the ratification of an intergovernmental agreement on the opening of a new checkpoint Bedel on the border with China.

According to the Director of the Border Service, Ularbek Sharsheyev, the new checkpoint will be located in Jeti-Oguz district of Issyk-Kul region.

At least 77,857.4 million soms (approximately $896,000) will be allocated from the republican budget for the opening of Bedel checkpoint.

The background statement to the bill states that the opening of another checkpoint between Kyrgyzstan and China will reduce the delivery time for goods from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China compared to the existing Kashgar — Torugart — Naryn — Bishkek transport corridor.