Tajikistan bans clothes not corresponding to national culture

11:25, 21 июня 2024, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Nargiza TOKOEVA

According to Asia Plus media outlet, Tajikistan has banned the wearing of clothing that does not correspond to the national culture.

Amendments to the laws regulating holidays and rituals were initiated by the President of Tajikistan and approved by the country’s parliament.

It is noted that a fine is imposed for non-compliance with the law, but it is not specified exactly what types of clothing are considered «alien to the national culture» and are prohibited from sale and wearing.

«These provisions of the law have caused debate and controversy in society. Some residents complain that authorities stop women wearing hijab on the streets and demand to take it off or wear it as a headscarf,» the statement says.

The same bill prohibits children from going door to door during Orozo and Kurman Ait holidays. In Tajikistan, this custom is called «Idgardak».

«In 2017, the religious agencies of Tajikistan for the first time spoke out against wastefulness and holding of Idgardak. Then the Ulemas Council of the Islamic Center stated that this holiday is not mentioned in religious hadiths, and it is dangerous for children: they go to unfamiliar places, cross roads and enter tall buildings,» Asia Plus reports.