Imprisonment for 9 months proposed for non-payment of maintenance to parents

12:18, 07 мая 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Nargiza TOKOEVA

Non-payment of maintenance to parents, who are on state support, and need financial assistance, is proposed to be punished with fines, compulsory community service or imprisonment for up to nine months. The bill was adopted in the first reading by the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial, Legal Issues and Regulations of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan.

The punishment will be applied only to adult, able-bodied children who are obliged to pay maintenance to their parents on the basis of a court decision.

With the same bill, its initiator, MP Tazabek Ikramov, proposes to authorize local authorities to issue powers of attorney to represent the interests of parents unable to work and in need of financial assistance to apply to the court to collect maintenance payments.