Car assembly plant to be opened in Naryn region

15:40, 30 апреля 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Meerimai ALYBEKOVA

A car assembly plant will be opened in Naryn region. The Ministry of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The enterprise will be opened within the framework of the initiative Two Countries, Two Zones created in cooperation between Kyrgyz Pochtasy OJSC, Naryn Free Economic Zone and Kashgar Free Economic Zone.

At the stage of launching the plant, a tripartite memorandum was signed between Jiabo company, the authorized representative office of the President in Naryn region and Kyrgyz Pochtasy OJSC.

As a result of negotiations, Chinese investors headed by Jiabo General Director Huang Yongqi considered land plots for the construction of the enterprise.

After construction is completed, production of various types of motor vehicles, including gasoline, electric and gas vehicles, will begin. From 100 to 1,000 jobs will be created for local residents.