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About 450 branches of Russian companies opened in Kyrgyzstan

Russian citizens have opened more than 11,000 branches of their companies in Serbia, UAE, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia over the past two years. The data analyzed by Finion company say — experts have studied the information from statistical services of these states.

It is noted that these jurisdictions attract businesses with tax benefits, wide presence of Russians, the opportunity to increase exports and expand business.

The calculations of experts show that 450 branches of Russian companies have been opened in the Kyrgyz Republic.

«Business of the Russian Federation in friendly countries feels quite good, although there are occasional difficulties, primarily associated with the policy of banks and mutual settlements. The main sectors of the economy, in which Russian companies opening branches operate, are the IT sector, logistics, and the service sector,» Finion Director Vyacheslav Kartamyshev said.

Business is coming to Kyrgyzstan, where textile production is developed. Many companies from Russia have opened offices in the Kyrgyz Republic to speed up the receipt goods, the survey says. Others are opening representative offices to simplify logistics in supplying products from third countries.

Kyrgyzstan attracts Russian entrepreneurs with its benefits and favorable climate for investment, Vadim Yun, Business Russia’s Business Ambassador to the country said. According to him, simplified procedures of registration and setting up a business in the Kyrgyz Republic significantly reduce the time and effort required to launch companies.
