Pease Corps volunteers to help promote sustainable tourism in Kyrgyzstan

15:19, 18 января 2024, Bishkek - news agency

Seven U.S. Peace Corps Response Eco-Tourism volunteers arrived in Bishkek to help promote sustainable tourism in partnership with local non-profit Kyrgyz Community Based Tourism Association (KCBTA). The U.S. Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic reported.

After completing training, the volunteers will work with CBT partners to develop nature-based tours, assist in creating effective marketing strategies to attract domestic and international tourists, establish guidelines and best practices to minimize the impact of tourism on local ecosystems of the Kyrgyz Republic, and help local partners improve their English language skills.

The volunteers will undergo two weeks of intensive training, which includes Kyrgyz language classes and cross-cultural competence before deploying to Community Based Tourism Association offices in Kochkor, Toktogul, Arslanbob, Naryn, Karakol, Osh, and Bishkek as Eco-tourism Marketing Specialists.

The volunteers passed a rigorous selection process in the United States that identified individuals who are highly qualified and committed to development. Their planned length of service is 12 months.

The volunteers will complement the 35 English language education volunteers currently serving in Kyrgyzstan, bringing the total number of volunteers to 42.

Peace Corps Kyrgyz Republic’s Eco-tourism Response program is the first in the Peace Corps’ Europe, Asia, and Mediterranean Region and reflects Peace Corps’ increased focus on climate action.