Sadyr Japarov invites large American businesses to invest in Kyrgyzstan

12:10, 22 сентября 2023, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic, as part of a working trip to New York (USA), met with representatives of large American financial and investment companies. According to his press service, the meeting was attended by heads of leading companies in the field of financial services, consulting, investment management, and innovative financial solutions.

In particular, these are Oppenheimer, Fidelity Investments, Mirae Global Asset Investments and Delphos International.

Sadyr Japarov expressed hope that the meeting will mark the beginning of closer interaction between the parties, given that these companies have a unique history of success in their field, huge investment opportunities and significant investment potential.

As the President stressed, the main goal of the event is to inform about the great investment potential, the extensive investment opportunities of Kyrgyzstan, as well as the current priority investment projects being implemented in the country.

He noted the work to simplify regulation and create all the conditions for comfortable doing business in the country. The state approaches this issue comprehensively and consistently, having set itself the formation of a renewed favorable investment climate as a strategic goal. He focused on the fact that Kyrgyzstan has significant natural resources, large reserves of energy resources and minerals, as well as a qualified workforce.

A presentation was made that revealed aspects for mutually beneficial cooperation with American partners in such key areas as the green economy, hydropower, IT technologies, employment and education.

According to the presidential press service, executives of American companies were interested in potential areas of cooperation and asked questions regarding possible investments in the country. Sadyr Japarov invited them to implement joint projects and guaranteed complete security of their investments.

He also visited the New York Stock Exchange and watched the trading.