Sadyr Japarov about SCO as inspiring example of international relations model

15:47, 04 июля 2023, Bishkek - news agency , Darya PODOLSKAYA

The President of Kyrgyzstan said at the summit of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) that the organization has become an inspiring example of a model of international relations based on mutual trust and benefit.

According to Sadyr Japarov, one of the important results of the joint work will be Iran’s entry into the ranks of full members of the SCO.

«Successful completion of the procedure for joining of such a reliable partner as Belarus is expected. It is gratifying that the geography of «SCO family» has significantly expanded over the past period,» he said.

The head of state noted that Kuwait, the Republic of Maldives, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain have been granted the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO.

Sadyr Japarov suggested instructing the SCO secretariat to develop a roadmap for joint activities.

«I believe that this will make it possible to more actively involve our dialogue partners in the implementation of joint projects in the areas of trade, investment, banking, transport, power industry, as well as in the cultural and humanitarian field, including tourism and education. There is a great potential for cooperation. The significant expansion of the geographical coverage of the SCO in recent years confirms the growing interest of the international community in our organization. This is quite understandable. In these days, when there is an acute shortage of dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation in the world, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has become an inspiring example of a model of international relations based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and the desire for common development,» he explained.

Kyrgyzstan is committed to the spirit and letter of the SCO charter, comprehensively supports joint efforts to ensure the security and sustainable development of the member states of the organization.