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Russia to build Infectious Disease Research Center in Bishkek

Russia will build an Infectious Disease Research Center in Bishkek. The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan ratified the relevant agreement with the Russian Federation at its last plenary session before the summer recess.

«An agreement has been ratified between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the government of the Russian Federation on the construction and operation of a scientific center for research on infectious diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic,» the Parliament said in a statement.

The intergovernmental document was signed by the parties in March 2023 in Moscow.

As planned, the new building of the center will be constructed on the site of the Republican Center for Quarantine and Especially Dangerous Infections. At the same time, the Russian side will partially bear the costs of technical equipping of the center, training of personnel, and will also train local specialists who will subsequently be involved in the new research structure.

The cost of the project and timing of its implementation are still unknown.

The building of the Republican Center for Quarantine and Especially Dangerous Infections under the Ministry of Health is located in the center of Bishkek, it was erected in the 1960s of the last century.