Kyrgyzstan increases wheat imports more than two times

10:24, 29 июня 2023, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

Kyrgyzstan has increased import of wheat more than two times. The National Statistical Committee provided such data.

From January to April, the volume of imports amounted to 144,700 tons. The wheat imports reached 69,300 tons for the same period in 2022. At least 140,656 tons were imported from Russia (a year ago — 66,300), Kazakhstan — 4,083.7 tons (a year ago — about 3,000).

Earlier, the Antimonopoly Regulation Service reported that it had set purchase prices for food wheat. The price for food wheat, which is purchased by the State Material Reserves Fund from agricultural producers, was set at 23 soms per kilogram.