EDB to assist City Hall in development of Bishkek through PPP

12:19, 09 июня 2023, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Maria ORLOVA

The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) will assist the City Hall of the capital of Kyrgyzstan through public-private partnership (PPP) in the implementation of the city development program «Bishkek-2026. Comfortable and green capital». Press center of the bank reported.

The corresponding memorandum was signed by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the EDB Denis Ilyin and the Mayor of Bishkek Emilbek Abdykadyrov during the Eurasian Congress’23 in Sochi (Russia).

At present, the parties are already discussing a number of specific PPP infrastructure projects.

In addition, the EDB and the City Hall of the capital of Kyrgyzstan agreed to implement and scale up the best PPP practices through project preparation, financing the preparation of pre-project documentation, including in the municipal solid waste management sector.