Kyrgyzstan has set a course for development of green economy - Sadyr Japarov

14:46, 03 июня 2023, Bishkek - news agency , Aida DZHUMASHOVA

The negative consequences of climate change concern all countries of the world, including Kyrgyzstan with its thousand-year old glaciers. The President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov said during a meeting in an expanded format with the President of the European Council.

According to him, the issues of ecology and green economy are among the main priorities of the state policy. He recalled that, at the initiative of the Kyrgyz side, the UN declared 2022 the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development.

«In November 2021 in Glasgow I have already stated that by 2030 Kyrgyzstan intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 44 percent, and by 2050 will try to achieve carbon neutrality primarily through renewable energy sources. Kyrgyzstan is at the source of the rivers of the Central Asian region and is a generator of its own water and energy resources. The percentage of development of the total potential is only 13 percent. Kyrgyzstan is interested in cooperation in the framework of the new strategy of the EU Global Gateway and is ready to offer for consideration investment projects, including large hydropower plants in the Kyrgyz Republic and other areas of renewable energy,» Sadyr Japarov said.

He added that one of the most important energy projects for the country is construction of Kambarata HPP-1. The project is of special importance for the Central Asian region as well.

The head of state noted that the implementation of projects on rehabilitation of Toktogul hydroelectric power station, commissioning of the second hydro unit of Kambarata HPP-2, modernization of Uch-Kurgan HPP and other projects, which are implemented with the development partners’ support, will create all necessary conditions for meeting population demands in electricity, given its growth, as well as supply of electricity within the regional project CASA-1000.

«Our country has set a firm course for the development of a green economy. In 2018, the concept «Kyrgyzstan is a country of green economy» and the National Development Strategy until 2040 were adopted, which provides for the development of a competitive economy with a focus on the use of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. Seven priority sectors have been chosen among them, through which it is supposed to ensure a progressive transition to green development. These are: green energy, green agriculture, green industry, sustainable tourism, low-emission transport, waste management, green cities,» Sadyr Japarov added.

He recalled that active work is underway to create a national mechanism for financing green projects in the form of Green Finance Corporation. «In this regard, we welcome the recently concluded partnership between Kyrgyzstan and the European Union within the framework of Green Economy in the Kyrgyz Republic program. At the beginning of 2023, I put forward an initiative to restructure the state external debt of Kyrgyzstan using the mechanism of its conversion into green economy projects,» Sadyr Japarov concluded.