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Leaders of Central Asian states, head of European Council adopt press communiqué

The second EU — Central Asia summit with the participation of the presidents of the countries of the region and the President of the European Council ended in Cholpon-Ata city. A joint press communiqué was adopted.

It says that the participants reaffirmed their commitment to continuing the high-level dialogue between Central Asia and the European Union and developing the EU — CA partnership in accordance with the priority areas determined between the parties with the common goal of prosperity and security in Central Asia.

The leaders welcomed the contribution of existing and new high-level platforms in support of the further institutionalization of relations between the countries of Central Asia and the European Union.

The participants expressed their satisfaction with the positive results of the latest EU — CA dialogues and platforms and expressed their intention to adopt the EU — CA roadmap at the next ministerial meeting.

They confirmed their readiness to continue ambitious cooperation based on mutual respect and mutual support.

The leaders expressed their unwavering commitment to adhere to the UN Charter, in particular, the principles of respect for the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity of all countries, the non-use of force or the threat of its use, and the peaceful settlement of international disputes.

The participants expressed their common concern about the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan and reaffirmed their commitment to making Afghanistan a secure, peaceful, stable and prosperous country. In this regard, they recognized the efforts of the international community to provide assistance to the people of Afghanistan on a principled basis and in accordance with international law and generally recognized norms and principles, despite difficult circumstances.

The parties called on the international community to intensify humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan and noted the key role of the UN in providing humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan on a principled basis.

They stressed the importance of establishing an inclusive and representative government, as well as the importance of promoting and respecting the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all citizens of Afghanistan, especially women, girls and ethnic groups. In this regard, they noted the importance of the dialogue between the European Union and Central Asia on Afghanistan, including the outcome of the Fourth Meeting of Special Representatives and Special Envoys of the European Union and Central Asia for Afghanistan, held on May 25-26 in Ashgabat.

They stressed the inadmissibility of public calls and incitement to terrorism and extremism, and called for intensifying efforts to combat the spread of ideology and propaganda of terrorism via the Internet.

The leaders called for consistent implementation of the relevant resolutions.

The Presidents noted the need to enhance cooperation between Central Asia and the European Union on old, new and emerging challenges, as outlined in the EU Strategy for Central Asia and in accordance with universal principles.

The leaders instructed their Foreign Ministers and EU High Representative Josep Borrell to formalize and advance the implementation of a joint roadmap to deepen ties between the European Union and Central Asia.

They reaffirmed their joint commitment to work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The summit participants agreed that efforts to diversify and achieve sustainable connectivity goals in line with the Global Gateway strategy remain of paramount importance.

The parties stressed the importance of further expanding mutual trade and investment mechanisms to accelerate the social and economic development of all parties.

The Presidents of the countries of the region also stressed the importance of a close dialogue in the context of the EU sanctions regime.

The participants confirmed their interest in strengthening joint actions for the full and effective implementation of the obligations of the parties under the Paris Agreement. Noting that water is one of the most important resources for the peace and well-being of the peoples of Central Asia, they recognized that it is necessary to take into account the interests of the countries and peoples of the region in order to find a common solution for its sustainable use.

The leaders reaffirmed the need to continue the high-level dialogue and high-level interregional cooperation between the European Union and the countries of Central Asia on the use and protection of water resources.

They reaffirmed the importance of joint work to expand people-to-people connections, especially youth, in Europe and Central Asia, including through higher education, culture and tourism.

The leaders agreed to meet on a regular basis. There is an intention to hold the next meeting in the format of the first summit next year. The Uzbek side offered to hold the meeting in Uzbekistan.
