Activities of two clandestine madrasahs have been suppressed in Suzak district. Press center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan reported.
The madrasahs had been illegally functioning in Totuya village since 2022 without permits.
«At least 25 children aged from 9 to 18 studied in the male madrasah. About 40 adults and 10 children from among the local residents studied in the women’s madrasah. The minors did not attend school. Classes in these madrasahs were conducted by teachers who did not have a religious education. They taught to read the Koran, hadiths, mainly used literature that did not pass examination in the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan. As a result of the inspection, acts and protocols were drawn up on violations of the law on Freedom of Religion and Religious Organizations and the Code of Offenses. Each madrasah was fined 5,500 soms. Activities of the religious institutions were suspended. A preventive conversation was held with the minors,» the state committee reported.