Only Kyrgyzstan out of Turkic-speaking countries uses Cyrillic alphabet

15:40, 19 апреля 2023, Bishkek - news agency , Jazgul MASALIEVA

Several options are being prepared for the transition of Kyrgyzstan to the Latin alphabet. Kanybek Osmonaliev, Chairman of the National Commission for the State Language, announced at a meeting of the Parliament.

According to him, in 1993, the then Prime Minister Abdygany Erkebaev signed a memorandum at the summit of Turkic-speaking states on the transition to the Latin alphabet.

«But a political decision has not been made. Kyrgyzstan is the only Turkic-speaking country that uses the Cyrillic alphabet. If the Parliament and the authorities make a decision, then scientists and the intelligentsia are ready for the Latin alphabet. We have several options,» Kanybek Osmonaliev said.

Several deputies announced the shortcomings of the alphabet and the need to introduce new letters at a meeting of the Parliament.

The Parliament adopted the draft law on the state language in the second reading. 79 out of 87 registered deputies voted for it. The rest abstained.