16:29, 14 апреля 2023, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Maria ORLOVA
First Lady of Kyrgyzstan Aigul Japarova took part in the opening of the building of an educational institution in Santash village, Issyk-Kul region after modernization. ARIS reported.
The building of school No. 15 was constructed in 1976 and since that time it has never been overhauled. The educational institution did not meet modern energy efficiency standards, and cold classrooms during the heating season made the educational process even more difficult.
Repair work began in May 2022. During the modernization of the facility, seismic resistance was increased, the roof was insulated, windows and doors were replaced with new energy-saving ones, electroceramic radiators, heat exchangers were installed, toilets were completely renovated, and the ventilation system of the building was improved.
«Modernization of the facility will save electricity by 40 percent. This is an important factor, especially in the context of a shortage and rise in the cost of energy resources, because such modernization contributes to the rational use of existing capacities and allows the local authorities to save money and direct the funds to other needs of the villagers,» ARIS noted.
The secondary school modernization was carried out within the framework of the Heat Supply Improvement Project, implemented by ARIS with the support of the Cabinet of Ministers and funded by the International Development Association and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of the Swiss Government. The main objective of the project is to improve energy efficiency and seismic resistance in selected public buildings, mainly in the education and healthcare sectors.