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Kyrgyzaltyn interested in Russian technologies for gold extraction

A memorandum of mutual cooperation was signed in Yekaterinburg (Russia) between Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC and Berezovsky Rudnik mining company. Press service of the company reported.

Representatives of the enterprises discussed the most pressing issues of bilateral cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Russia. In particular, they discussed the development of the mining industry of the two countries. The parties expressed interest in minimizing the impact of mining operations on the environment and sharing the experience of employees.

«The main goal of the memorandum is to ensure effective subsoil use activities in the field of exploration of solid minerals. As part of the partnership, it is planned to apply advanced technologies for gold extraction. This approach will make it possible to extract it twice as cheap,» Kubat Abdraimov, Chairman of the Board of OJSC, said.