Kyrgyzstan bank resets Temirov Live’s account in Mbank payment system

09:51, 08 декабря 2022, Bishkek - news agency , Gulmira Makanbai kyzy

Kyrgyzstan bank reset Temirov Live’s account in Mbank payment system. Bolot Temirov announced.

He noted that he recently announced opening of a Temirov Live account in Mbank payment system, where it was possible to provide financial support to fight corruption and lawlessness of the authorities.

«In less than an hour, we had to urgently delete the posts, as the employees of Mbank urgently asked us to do so. Unfortunately, we could not get a clear justification from the payment system. But we met halfway, despite the fact that we had an official contract, where all the conditions were spelled out,» Bolot Temirov told.

He noted that lawyers were negotiating with the bank to understand the reasons for resetting the personal account in the Mbank payment system.

According to preliminary data, the reason was the use of Temirov Live logo in the payment system.