Kyrgyzstan develops concept on prolonging active longevity

09:46, 21 июля 2022, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

The concept of prolonging active longevity is being developed by officials in Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration reported.

The ministry is studying the preliminary results of a study of the situation of the elderly, the well-being and youth development index, as well as the draft concept of the active longevity policy.

«The concept of active longevity policy is aimed at changing the currently prevailing paradigm of supporting social assistance to pensioners, the policy of empowering them, creating an economic and legal framework that allows citizens of the country to take responsibility for the quality of their own lives and their well-being in old age,» the statement says.

The study is being conducted to obtain data on the real situation of senior citizens in Kyrgyzstan, to identify their problems and needs, which will later form the basis for the development of the Active Longevity concept.